Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Steps to Create Bootable Pen drive using by CMD

CMD is available on all of the windows computers, so you would not have to worry about downloading any new package or software to make your pen drive bootable. It is a bit lengthy process but it traditional method and always works:
                            ( -> ) Press the space key on the keyboard.
Ø  Press Windows + R


ii) Open start menu, search cmd, right click and click run as administrator.
ii) Open task manager, click on file -> new task -> Create this task with administrator privileges, type cmd and hit enter.
1.   Connect your pen drive to your computer.
2.   Type diskpart and press enter. (This will open the windows inbuilt disk part utility which is used to manage the storage on your computer)  

  DiskPart CMD
3.   Type list->disk and press enter. This will list all the storage device available on your computer.
DiskPart CMD - List Disk
4.   Choose your pen drive. For that type select->disk->1 and press enter. (Here it is disk 1. In your computer it may differ so choose wisely)

DiskPart CMD - Select Disk
5.   Type clean and press enter. This will erase all data from your pen drive.
DiskPart CMD - Clean Disk
6.   Type create->partition->primary and press enter.

DiskPart CMD - Create Primary Partition
7.   Type select->partition->1 and press enter. This will choose the partition we just created.
DiskPart CMD - Select Partition
8.   Type format=fs->ntfs->quick and press enter. This will perform a quick format with the NTFS file system. (Windows use NTFS file system for storage)
DiskPart CMD - Format NTFS
9.   Type active and press enter. This will mark your primary partition active.
DiskPart CMD - Mark Partition Active
10.         Type exit and press enter to exit disk part and then close the command

DiskPart CMD - Exit
11.         Now copy all the data from Windows installation disk to your pen drive.
copy files from drive to usb device for bootable usb-min_zpsyctk37cx.jpg

12.                Now your pen drive is bootable having desired windows installation.

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